Title Tenets Recap: What Makes Energy Deals Different
Title Tenets Recap: What Makes Energy Deals Different – All the Way From A to Z
If you’ve ever needed proof of how unique energy transactions are, you’ll find it in this kickoff to the 2023 Stewart NCS Title Tenets webinar series. Four experienced members of the NCS Title Energy Group – Counsel and Energy Specialist John Agle, Associate Senior Underwriter Dawn Anderson, Senior Account Manager Lindsey Lindbloom and Senior Counsel Lacy Ward McCormick – dive into the world of energy transactions one concept at a time.
The concepts themselves are unique. You’ll learn about local myopia, non-imputation endorsements, off-record matters and severable improvements. You’ll learn why most energy transactions take years, not days, weeks or months, why there’s rarely a checklist or need for escrow in energy transactions, what the reasonable man theory is, and how to navigate agricultural zoning regulations that don’t permit energy transactions even though most energy transactions involve rural and agricultural land. You’ll quickly understand why this area demands specialists.
This webinar is an insider’s peek at a world that exists just off the beaten path of the real estate industry, and a sector that has seen explosive growth over the past five years. Together, the foursome brings the challenges and the rewards to life with passion as they trade off definitions, examples and insights from a wealth of combined experience.
Watch the on-demand recording to immediately improve your vocabulary and better understand the process that paves the way for the wind turbines, solar panels and transmission lines that generate power across the country and the world.
If you’re interested in more CRE topics, you can see our past and upcoming Title Tenets lineup and register for upcoming webinars here.
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