What is Surety?

Real Estate Dictionary

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(1) A person who agrees to be responsible for a debt or obligation of another. (2) The pledge or agreement by which one undertakes responsibility for the debt or obligation of another.

Surety refers to a legal concept in which one party (the surety) guarantees the performance or fulfillment of an obligation or promise made by another party (the principal). The surety assumes responsibility for fulfilling the obligation or compensating for any losses or damages incurred if the principal fails to meet their obligations.

Suretyship typically involves a three-party agreement, consisting of the surety, the principal, and the obligee. The principal is the party who has the primary obligation, such as fulfilling a contract, making a payment, or completing a project. The obligee is the party who is entitled to receive the performance or payment from the principal.

The role of the surety is to provide a guarantee to the obligee that the principal will fulfill their obligations. This guarantee can take various forms, such as a bond, a letter of credit, or a personal guarantee. The surety is usually a financially stable entity, such as a bank or an insurance company, capable of covering any potential losses or damages resulting from the principal's failure to perform.

Suretyship is commonly used in various contexts, including construction projects, where contractors may be required to provide a surety bond to ensure the completion of the project according to the contract's terms. It can also be used in commercial transactions, such as securing a loan or guaranteeing the performance of a service.

In summary, surety is a legal arrangement in which a third party guarantees the performance or fulfillment of an obligation on behalf of another party and assumes financial responsibility if the party fails to meet their obligations.