Eerie Warnings to Heed: A List of Threats Lurking in Real Estate Transactions

Many relish telling tales of haunted houses and restless spirits around this time of year. But for those in the real estate realm, there are threats far more tangible than ghosts and goblins that can spook even the bravest real estate professionals. From zombie zoning issues to cryptic claims, here are some of the most chilling threats lurking in real estate transactions for real estate agents and title agents to heed.

This Halloween, while enjoying the thrill of spooky stories and haunted houses, take a moment to reflect on the very real threats lurking in the world of real estate transactions. By staying vigilant and taking necessary precautions, title and real estate agents can ensure that their deals are free from these eerie threats and ensure that their clients' dream homes don't turn into nightmares.

Want to learn more about these spooky signs? Summon your local Stewart Title office or agency representative to unearth resources to help shield your clients and business from dark forces and lighten your haunted workload.

Looking for more tips? Make sure to check out our Home Buyer and Seller Corner and check out the articles below:
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